PMI’s commitment to progress

We believe we can and should play a role in reducing waste from our products, that's why we're addressing the issue of littering by developing innovative solutions.

Our commitment to change strengthens our aspirations of reducing post-consumer waste across our products, by implementing impactful strategies in four target areas:

Packaging, smoke-free electronic devicescigarettes, and smoke-free consumables.

Tackling post-consumer waste at PMi

Change, like progress, takes time.

Sometimes you need to let the past inform your future.

Well, we have changed for the better.

There is still more that can be done and that is why we're committed to reducing cigarette butt litter and tackling the issue at source.

We are focused on the responsible disposal of our

smoke free consumables, with the rollout of takeback schemes

across the globe. Sustainability and

circularity remain at the core of all our product design,

with the purpose of repairing and refreshing devices rather than

mass disposal. We are minimizing all packaging

materials and improving their circularity using as many

renewable resources as possible. Ultimately,

we are focused on replacing cigarettes for good.

But until that day, we strive to increase our

environmental efforts and encourage those adults who continue to

smoke to join us. We want to preserve resources,

reduce waste, and prevent inappropriate disposal, and help

protect our planet's natural materials. We are using

science and research to inform change, change of design

Change of products

and even a change of behavior. We are also spearheading

worldwide clean up campaigns across 53 countries,

taking over 17 tonnes of litter out of the ecosystem

in 2021 alone. But we cannot do this alone

We need to partner with retailers, governments,

NGOs and consumers to reduce cigarette waste globally.

The best choice any smoker can make is to quit tobacco and v nicotine altogether. But But for those who don't, switching to

better, smoke-free alternatives makes sense.

We have reduced plastic waste in our leading heat,

not burn sticks by almost half, and we run

takeback and recycling programs in markets across the globe.

Circularity is at the core of our smoke-free product design.

By making them more durable, our products will last

longer and have many lives. We are now on track to

establish circle hubs in 100% of the markets we cover

cover, so consumers can repair and refresh their devices.

Plus, we're recycling more of the device materials than

ever before. And it doesn't stop there.

Last year, 90% of our packaging was made from

paper and board. More than 85% of our

liners are now recyclable and will be 100% by the end

of this year. These are just some of the steps

we're taking to address the impact of our products have on the environment.

We are learning from our past to deliver a better smoke-free future together.



Our aspiration is for 100 percent of our packaging formats to be designed for recyclability by 2025.

Smoke-free electronic devices

Our aspiration is for 100 percent of our smoke-free electronic devices introduced on the market as of the end of 2025 to have eco-design certification.


Our aspiration is for at least 80 percent of our shipment volume to be covered by markets with anti-littering programs in place for combustible cigarettes by 2025.

Smoke-free consumables

Our aspiration is for at least 80 percent of our shipment volume to be covered by markets with end-of-life take-back programs in place for smoke-free consumables by 2025.


Post-consumer waste management  

Reducing and appropriately managing post-consumer waste means we can extract, convert, and use fewer raw materials from a planet with limited natural resources.  

Embedding principles of circularity and eco-design, implementing effective post-consumer waste management solutions, addressing litter, and promoting responsible disposal of products at their end-of-life are key pillars of our post-consumer waste strategy.

Take a look at our strategy document to read about our 2025 aspirations, and how we’re working to achieve them.

During 2024, we will deploy our sustainability roadmap for our recent categories of e-vapor and oral products. Reducing post-consumer waste remains a strong focus, and we expect to expand the geographical coverage of our smoke-free consumables end-of-life take-back program. Our aim is to reach 80 percent of global volume coverage. As we continue to deploy our program at scale, we plan to conduct studies to better understand use patterns and inform our waste treatment strategies. Further, understanding the importance of prolonging the lifespan of our devices, we plan to scale the deployment of our second-life IQOS proposition to reach our 2025 aspiration.
Stefano Volpetti, President, Smoke-Free Inhaled Products & Chief Consumer Officer
In 2024, we will continue maturing PMI’s eco-design program by further embedding these principles across our devices, consumables, and accessories portfolio. We will review PMI’s repair strategy with the aim to refine our design guidelines for repair and recycle, and work on improving device robustness with the aim to extend product longevity and minimize electronic waste. Within our consumables portfolio, we will continue exploring technical solutions to reduce the plastic content in heat-not-burn consumables. Finally, across our accessories portfolio, we will drive further adoption of environmentally responsible materials in our offerings. We remain committed to maintaining a recycling rate within our CIRCLE program above 80 percent.
Bin Li, Chief Product Officer
We will continue deploying and expanding the reach and impact of the anti-littering programs we deploy across the many countries in which we operate, leveraging our awareness-raising efforts to the greatest extent possible, to prevent inappropriate disposal and inspire behavioral change in consumers’ habits. Meanwhile, we will also continue to explore and test nonplastic filter materials that fulfill demanding criteria and meet consumer expectations.
Werner Barth, President, Combustibles Category & Global Combustibles Marketing

Read more about our sustainability strategy