Integrated Report 2019
We recognize that cigarette smoking causes serious diseases and that the best way to avoid the harms of smoking is never to start or to quit. Nevertheless, for adult smokers who would otherwise continue to smoke, we believe that product innovation has a significant potential to benefit public health.
To be successful, we need to continue innovating in two areas. First, we are developing a product portfolio of smoke-free products with a significantly reduced health impact compared to combustible cigarettes. The reduced risk profile of these products is scientifically substantiated, following a step-by-step program derived from practices of the pharmaceutical industry.
Second, to reduce harm at the individual and population level, smokers must be interested in switching to smoke-free products, rather than continuing to smoke cigarettes. Here we need to innovate, transform our internal organization and engage with legislators and regulators to ensure that people who would otherwise continue to smoke have access to smoke-free alternatives.
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This online supplement to our integrated report should be read in conjunction with PMI’s Integrated Report 2019. The information and data presented in this online supplement cover the 2019 calendar year or reflect status at December 31, 2019, worldwide, unless otherwise indicated. Where not specified, data come from PMI estimates. See About this online supplement for more information. Aspirational targets and goals do not constitute financial projections, and achievement of future results is subject to risks, uncertainties and inaccurate assumptions, as outlined in our forward-looking and cautionary statements.