Get to know us
We are Philip Morris ČR, a.s., a subsidiary of Philip Morris International (PMI), and the largest producer and seller of tobacco products in the Czech Republic. We can be found on the Prague Stock Exchange. We own a 99 percent business share in the Philip Morris Slovakia s.r.o. company.

Our employees
Every new generation of employees arrives with new expectations. For this reason, we continuously strive to further improve our top-notch work environment. We aim to offer the best possible conditions, so that every employee can fully meet their potential.
We believe that attractive work opportunities, the possibility of developing one’s career at home and abroad, and an open environment are the key to motivating employees. Being awarded the Top Employer Award for the eight time in a row is proof that Philip Morris ČR a.s. provides such an environment.
Charity programs (contributions)
For 30 years, Philip Morris ČR a.s. has been contributing significantly to charitable projects across a wide range of organizations and specializations. In 2021, four principal areas of support were chosen: education; care for carers; chance for a quality life; and environmental issues. Moreover, again in 2021, our assistance was aimed at mitigating the consequences of disasters or efforts to prevent them, whether it was a coronavirus pandemic or a devastating tornado which hit southern Moravia in June 2021. Our traditional long-term partners, implementing their projects with our financial support, include, among others, the Slunce pro všechny Endowment Fund and the Livia and Václav Klaus Endowment Fund, in the field of projects focused on education. A remarkable program is the support of innovations in the development and use of alternative communication, implemented by the Regional Charity Červený Kostelec, organization with the only inpatient facility in the Czech Republic, caring for people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in the Home of St. Joseph in Žireč City. Another important long-term partner is the Charter 77 Foundation, not only in supporting the elderly or the seriously ill people, but also in helping to prevent the spread of coronavirus and mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic that has afflicted the world for two years. In 2021, through an extraordinary fund established at the Charter 77 Foundation, we provided financial assistance in the total amount of CZK 4.6 million to six hospitals 24 throughout the Czech Republic. These hospitals used the donation to purchase personal protective equipment, necessary equipment (e.g., ozone generators, respiratory aids) or even to cover the raised personal costs. In the field of the environment, we have been cooperating with the POD HORAMI association for several years, which is focused on education of children in the field of environmental care. We have also provided our support to a new grantee, the BENEDIKTUS organization, to build a rainwater retention system in their gardens and orchards. We are very happy and proud that our support helps both at the national and local level, and thus we can contribute to better and more sustainable living conditions for many people.
In Slovakia, our charitable activities were focused on the areas of economic development, education and empowering women. Philip Morris Slovakia s.r.o. yearly organizes clothes collections for disadvantaged people across Slovakia and participates in the volunteering program “Our City” organized by the Pontis Foundation. In 2021, we participated in the World Cleanup Day initiative to clean our environment from litter. The company has supported several organizations across the country that develop programs supporting youth from minorities or from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. Programs which support coworking for mothers were supported as well. Philip Morris Slovakia s.r.o. also focused on the continued support of communities, especially handicapped and homeless people. We also continued with the support related to COVID-19 by donating protective equipment. It was donated to National Oncological Institute due to the need of extra protection of patients in times of pandemic.
Our management team

Fabio Costa
Managing Director, Chairman of the Board of Directors

Andrea Gontkovičová
Member of the Board of Directors

Serhan Kilic
Director Manufacturing, Member of the Board of Directors

Eugenia Panato
Director Finance, Member of the Board of Directors

Petr Šebek
Director External Affairs, Member of the Board of Directors

Cemal Berk Temuroglu
Director Commercial Operations, Member of the Board of Directors
Further information
Philip Morris ČR a.s. was established in 1992, and is based in Kutná Hora. Since August 2002, the management of the company has been based in Prague’s Karlovo náměstí (Charles Square), where the Marketing, Finance, Sales and Distribution, Information Technologies, Human Resources, and Public Relations departments are located.-
General Terms and Conditions for Purchase
Third Party Privacy Notice
Basic Information on Whistleblowing Protection of Whistleblower and Internal Whistleblowing System
Software Quality Assurance
Social Media Rules of Engagement
Environment, Health, Safety & Security Guidelines
Confidentiality Agreement
Supplier Expense Guidelines
Information Security
Environment, Health, Safety and Security Guidelines - SEE countries
IQOS Brand Guidelines
Smoking and Health
Kutna Hora Alliance for AWS Commitment
Responsible sourcing principles