Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
As we strive to remain at the forefront of a fast-evolving sustainability reporting landscape, the company released its first-ever TCFD Report to respond to the implementation guidance of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). In recent years, various elements of the company’s publicly available disclosure—such as its annual Integrated Report, CDP Climate disclosure, or annual report on Form 10-K—already aligned with much of TCFD’s recommendations. PMI’s TCFD Report 2022 complements our Low-Carbon Transition Plan, published in 2021, which provides a transparent and detailed view on how we plan to achieve our climate ambitions, measure success, and report on progress, as we adapt our business model to succeed in a net-zero carbon economy. The report’s findings were informed by a structured Climate Change Risk and Opportunity (CCRO) assessment that PMI conducted in 2022, with guidance from an external expert organization and in line with TCFD’s recommendations, to identify relevant climate-related risks and opportunities. We intend to periodically update this assessment and our TCFD report moving forward to seek further alignment with TCFD recommendations.
Reporting on sustainability
Integrated report 2022
ESG KPI Protocol 2022
Performance metrics
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