Reducing Our Environmental Footprint

31 Jul 2019
Effective environmental management across our operations and value chain goes beyond compliance with applicable laws and regulations. We are committed to constantly improve our business activities to achieve the highest standards of environmental sustainability, as stated in our Environment Commitment published in 2018.
Environmental footprint Sustainability Report 2018

In this report, we focus on the four most relevant areas of our environmental footprint: greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, biodiversity and deforestation, waste and littering, and water use.

While improving the environmental performance of our manufacturing operations is key, the majority of our environmental footprint arises elsewhere in our value chain, especially in tobacco growing and curing, and with consumer waste (cigarette butt litter). Working collaboratively with tobacco growers, suppliers, retailers, NGOs, and governments is key to the success of our environmental programs and to achieving our targets.

PMI Sustainability Report 2018