Sharing our views and inviting dialogue

With a billion smokers around the world and millions of people working in the tobacco supply chain—from farms to retail shops—there are many interested parties and many views on the role of tobacco in society. We work hard to listen and to formulate thoughtful positions on topics that are often controversial. Needless to say, we want to participate in discussions and share our perspectives with policy makers. We are particularly active with respect to policies regarding less harmful alternatives to cigarettes, trade and fiscal matters, and intellectual property. 

We also share progress on our sustainability practices, as in our Integrated Report. By pursuing a dialogue with our external stakeholders, we aim to ensure our programs and priorities are aligned with societal expectations.

9 documents

Sustainability reporting

  • Integrated Report 2023



    14.46 mb

  • Integrated Report 2022



    23.99 mb

  • Integrated Report 2021



    19.73 mb

  • Integrated Report 2020



    15.40 mb

  • Integrated Report 2019



    20.36 mb

  • Sustainability Report 2018



    14.88 mb

  • Sustainability Report 2017



    11.22 mb

  • Sustainability Report 2016



    9.41 mb

  • UNGC Report 2015



    13.07 mb

For more information on our sustainability initiatives, please click here.


Acting with integrity

We have a Code of Conduct. All of our approximately 82,700 employees receive it and must respect its policies. 

External Engagement Activities

We engage with a diverse set of external stakeholders all over the world to ensure that the interests of our businesses, adult consumers, trade partners, shareholders and employees are well represented at all levels of government. We engage in a variety of ways, including by lobbying, making political contributions, and participating in business and trade associations, which are summarized below. For more details on our external engagement policies, activities, and procedures, please click here.

Lobbying practices

We comply with rules for, and support the registration of, lobbying activities with government institutions in the United States

In the U.S., PMI, through its subsidiary PMI Global Services Inc. (PMIGS), engages with government officials to help influence public policy and shape legislation that will have a direct impact on us. 

PMIGS is registered to lobby with the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. PMIGS files a report quarterly disclosing its federal lobbying expenses and its federal lobbying activities. PMIGS’ 2023 quarterly reports can be found by clicking on the links below.

PMIGS 2023 Q1 LD-2 Report
PMIGS 2023 Q2 LD-2 Report
PMIGS 2023 Q3 LD-2 Report
PMIGS 2023 Q4 LD-2 Report

In 2023, a state government affairs team was established to engage government officials at the state and local levels of government. As these lobbying activities develop, including through grassroots lobbying communications, we are registering with the appropriate government agencies and filing the legally required reports, which are subject to disclosure by the laws and regulations in those jurisdictions.

We also participate in the voluntary register for lobbyists with the EU Commission

In line with the EU Transparency Register Guidelines and the 2021 Inter-Institutional Agreement, Philip Morris International and Swedish Match report its lobbying activities with EU institutions on annual basis.

Links to:
(a) PMI’s report to the EU Transparency Register—Transparency Register (
(b) Swedish Match Report to EU Transparency Register—Transparency Register (

PMI’s Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Policy make absolutely clear that we must scrupulously honor anti-bribery and lobbying regulations worldwide.

Political contributions

In the few countries where we make political contributions, we disclose both the amounts and the recipients. PMI’s contributions are governed by our company policy which describes how expenditures are reviewed, approved, and reported. These political contributions must be authorized in advance, and reviewed by both management and the law department.

For PMI’s political contributions in 2023, please see here

21 documents

Political and other contributions

  • Political Contributions 2022



    420.14 kb

  • Political Contributions 2021



    10.37 kb

  • Political Contributions 2020



    11.05 kb

  • Political Contributions 2019



    216.15 kb

  • Political Contributions 2018



    7.55 kb

  • Political Contributions 2017



    10.51 kb

  • Political Contributions 2016



    7.35 kb

  • Political Contributions 2015



    7.43 kb

  • Political Contributions 2014



    13.42 kb

  • Political Contributions 2013



    40.98 kb

  • Political Contributions 2012



    102.70 kb

  • Political Contributions 2011



    98.45 kb

  • Political Contributions 2010



    8.32 kb

  • Political Contributions 2009



    13.06 kb

  • Political Contributions 2008



    15.92 kb

  • Other Contributions 2015



    16.49 kb

  • Other Contributions 2014



    14.74 kb

  • Other Contributions 2013



    41.45 kb

  • Other Contributions 2012



    104.64 kb

  • Other Contributions 2011



    189.32 kb

  • Other Contributions 2010



    7.74 kb

PMI’s political activities in the U.S. comply with all applicable laws and regulations, adhere to our company values, and are led by our U.S. External Affairs Function with support of the Legal & Compliance Function. 

U.S. Corporate Political Contributions

As a public corporation, PMI Is prohibited by federal law from making contributions to candidates or political parties in federal elections. We, however, may make contributions at the state or local level, where permissible by law, through domestic revenue generated by Swedish Match North America LLC. Payments related to influencing U.S. elections are not made with the participation of a foreign national. 

For Swedish Match North America LLC’s 2023 corporate political contributions in the U.S., please click here

U.S. PAC Contributions
Swedish Match North America LLC established a Political Action Committee (PAC) in 1987 that receives voluntary contributions from PAC-eligible employees to fund the PAC and fulfill its purpose, which is to support candidates for elective office and other political committees. 

For Swedish Match North America LLC PAC’s 2023 political contributions in the U.S., please click here

The contributions procedure is audited by Risk and Assurance Department.

Participation in business and trade associations

We belong to many carefully selected business and trade associations around the world. We work with these groups because they represent our industry and the larger business community in policy discussions on issues where we have a common interest or objective. 

To learn more about our support for these organizations, please click here

The Board of Directors Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee at least annually reviews PMI’s external engagement activities, including lobbying, political contributions, and memberships/contributions in trade associations and other non-profit organizations.

Social and charitable contributions

For information on our historical social and charitable contributions, please see the table below.

12 documents

Social and charitable contributions

  • Social Contributions 2023



    546.06 kb

  • Social Contributions 2022



    621.32 kb

  • Social Contributions 2020



    449.80 kb

  • Social Contributions 2019



    449.80 kb

  • Charitable Contributions 2018



    648.70 kb

  • Charitable Contributions 2017



    194.85 kb

  • Charitable Contributions 2016



    181.74 kb

  • Charitable Contributions 2015



    121.29 kb

  • Charitable Contributions 2014



    83.00 kb

  • Charitable Contributions 2011



    486.49 kb

  • Charitable Contributions 2010



    77.96 kb

  • Charitable Contributions 2009



    97.99 kb

Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

In 2017, we announced our support of the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World. The Foundation holds U.S. nonprofit status and is an independent body governed by its own independent board of directors. The Foundation’s role, as set out in its corporate charter, includes funding research into the field of tobacco harm reduction, encouraging measures that reduce the harm caused by smoking, and assessing the effect of reduced cigarette consumption on the industry value chain. 

In 2023, the Foundation and PMI agreed to terminate the pledge agreement between the parties, and PMI made its final grant payments to the Foundation commensurate with the early termination of the pledge agreement.

Conflict Minerals

The Responsible Sourcing of Minerals Policy


Conflict Minerals Report 2023
