Our top priority is achieving gender balance at all levels of the company.

We’re focused, as a company, on leveraging the full talents of both our women and men and achieving gender balance.

We’re proud that women make up 42 percent of our workforce and more than 40 percent of our management positions.

But there’s still work to do to achieve an even better balance, and we’ve set the goal to achieve at least 35 percent of women in senior roles by 2025.

We’re working towards this target by recruiting equal numbers of men and women at all levels. To support this, our job advertisements use gender-neutral language, we push for gender-balanced shortlists, and we use diverse interview panels to reduce the risk of unconscious bias in talent assessments.

We’re also focusing on supporting the growth and advancement of all employees through personalized development plans and access to learning opportunities, contributing to more gender-balanced leadership over time.

“Women in Leadership” program

To boost our progress in achieving gender equality, we have designed a “Women in Leadership” program.

The program focuses on personal growth, development, and senior leader sponsorship and is designed to provide participants with strategies and tactics to navigate common barriers, build confidence, and create a sense of community and belonging.

More than 70 female leaders participated in the six-month program in 2022, which incorporated virtual classrooms, one-to-one sessions with an external coach, group activities, and impactful interactions with senior leaders.

In 2023, a further 54 female leaders will take part.

We also support our female talent by creating opportunities to network and build mentoring relationships with peers and role models.

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