Driving people-centricity, flexibility, and diversity across our global workforce


“SMART WORK” is a model of work giving employees the option to choose a combination of remote and office-based work. The approach offers employees worldwide greater flexibility over when and where work is done depending on their individual needs and preferences, the feasibility of specific job requirements, and local regulations.

This working model underpins our commitment to building a more inclusive, flexible, and people-centered corporate culture. We strive to be an attractive employer that is focused on supporting sustainable high levels of performance by trusting our people and giving them the space to design their work in a way that works best for them.

Global minimum parental leave principles

PMI's global minimum parental leave principles focuses on “people raising families” rather than the gendered stereotype of “women having children.” This approach to more gender-inclusive parental leave is people-centric and driven by the recognition that all caregivers want to achieve both a rewarding career and a rewarding home life.

These new principles also reflect the fact that being a present parent is an important aspect of modern life for many men—and the reality of today’s world in which there is no such thing as one type of family.